How close to my boundary can I build a garage?

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Understanding Boundary Regulations & How To Get Around Them…


Constructing a garage on your property requires careful consideration of the regulations and guidelines set forth by the UK government. These regulations are in place to ensure safety, protect neighbouring properties, and maintain the overall aesthetic appeal of the community. In this article, we will explore the factors that determine how close to your boundary you can build a garage in accordance with UK regulations.

Permissible Boundary Distances:

When it comes to building a concrete garage in the UK, the distance allowed from your boundary depends on various factors, including the type of property you own, its location, and local planning policies. The two main considerations are typically the front boundary and the side/rear boundaries of your property.

Front Boundary:

In the case of the front boundary, UK regulations often require a minimum setback distance between the garage and the edge of the property facing the road. This setback helps maintain a consistent streetscape, allows for clear sightlines, and ensures the safe and convenient movement of vehicles.

The specific setback distance required can vary depending on the local authority. It is advisable to consult with your local planning department or review the local planning policies to determine the exact setback requirement for your area. Generally, this distance ranges from a few meters to several meters, depending on the local guidelines.

Side and Rear Boundaries:

When considering the distance between a garage and side or rear boundaries, UK regulations typically require a minimum distance to protect neighbouring properties from issues such as overshadowing, loss of privacy, and restricted access.

These setback requirements can also vary depending on local planning policies and the specific circumstances of your property. The minimum distance required between the garage and the side or rear boundary is often measured in meters, and it is advisable to consult the local planning department or seek professional advice to determine the exact requirements.

Planning Permission and Permitted Development:

In some cases, constructing a garage within the permissible boundary distances may fall under permitted development rights, which allows certain types of development without requiring planning permission at all. However, it’s important to note that there are limitations and conditions to be met for your garage to qualify as permitted development.

For instance, if your property is in a conservation area, a national park, an area of outstanding natural beauty, or has other specific designations, you may require planning permission regardless of the permissible boundary distances. It’s crucial to consult with your local planning authority or seek professional guidance to determine the specific regulations and requirements that apply to your property.

Getting Around Planning Regulations:

As mentioned above, constructing a garage is often permissible under permitted development rights provided the rules are followed. This often means you can build your garage under permitted development regulations without interference from the planning department, or your neighbours, where you may have been otherwise be refused, or objected to, should you consult with the planning office.

Engaging with Professionals:

Navigating the UK regulations regarding boundary distances for garage construction can be complex. To ensure compliance and avoid potential legal issues, it is highly recommended to engage professionals such as concrete garage manufacturers like us. We can provide expert guidance, help you understand the regulations specific to permitted development, and assist you throughout the planning and construction process.


When planning to build a garage in the UK, it’s crucial to understand the regulations governing the allowable distance between the garage and property boundaries if you are building outside of permitted development regulations.

The specific setback requirements for the front, side, and rear boundaries can vary based on local planning policies and the characteristics of your property. Seeking guidance from professionals and consulting with the local planning authority will ensure compliance with the regulations and contribute to a successful garage construction project that aligns with the boundaries set by your local planning office.

Alternatively, build within your legal rights of permitted development, and get the project completed without intervention from the planning gods.

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